Profile for 260446790

Name:Alan Morris Solarsh
**I have withdrawn my funds and I've begun a new FXblue account. You can follow the progress there. 
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I love helping people make passive income. I've been trading forex for 5 years and I've have made a lot and lost a lot due to my own greed and high-risk attitude & emotional trading. I have tried a lot of EA's and most failed. I eventually found an engineer that has 7 years trading history with his EA, so I partnered with him. 

The results on my page are explained as follows. I try new settings on my EA all the time so as to find optimal profitable settings. on the 24th of November I setup my EA incorrectly and I had to fund my account twice, due to my drawdown reaching 50%. This was due to my incorrect settings and no fault of the EA. 

I also tried to trade Gold which is not recommended by the engineer. This also caused my a problem and I'm still stuck in the trades. I don't pay swop fees so I can stay in the trade forever. I'll just wait for the trades to close in profit and then my DD will reduce. 

Alan Solarsh 
Trading history:
First upload:2020/10/19 (GMT)
Most recent:2021/09/19 07:34:44 (GMT)
Total uploads:35933

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