Risk Analysis: fx-adept-demo

Monthly return
Avg trade length
2.3 days
Trades per day
911 days
Risk/Reward Ratio
Risk of ruin
Projection of the probability of falls in the account balance based on the account's trading history
Size of lossProbability
10% loss100.0%
20% loss100.0%
30% loss100.0%
40% loss100.0%
50% loss100.0%
60% loss100.0%
70% loss100.0%
80% loss100.0%
90% loss100.0%
100% loss100.0%
Worst day %
Worst week %
Worst month %
Deepest valley
Loss from outset
Equity (approximate)
Worst day %
Worst week %
Worst month %
Deepest valley
Loss from outset
Spread of historic returns
Number of losing days/weeks in the trade history
Size of lossDaysWeeks
Worse than 10%55
10% loss00
9% loss00
8% loss00
7% loss00
6% loss01
5% loss40
4% loss14
3% loss66
2% loss115
1% loss9814
Total days/weeks607131
Trade outcome versus duration
Relationship between trade duration and profitability - pips banked, and profit as % of balance on day of trade-open
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